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Cloning and bacterial expression of protein L -Isoaspartyl methyltransferase 1 (PIMT1) from arabidospsis thaliana

Student name: Ms Tanu Sri
Guide: Dr. Ramakrishnan Sitaraman
Year of completion: 2011
Host Organisation: National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Manoj Majee
Abstract: The Protein L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase (PIMT) has been proved as an important repair enzyme in many members of the plant kingdom, and several organisms in the animal kingdom, during stress-induced damage of proteins. Under several types of stress conditions, the L-asparginyl and L-aspartyl residues in proteins tend to spontaneously convert into L-isoaspartyl residues, which can easily racemize to D-aspartyl residue, leading to loss of structure and functionality of the protein. This repair enzyme transfers a methyl group from a donor to the L-isoaspartyl residue to convert it back to the original amino acid residue, thus preventing the damage of protein. This enzyme has been reported and studied in several plants, including the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPIMT1). Also, another copy of the gene encoding PIMT (AtPIMT2) has been found at another chromosome in the same genome, along with its splice variants. This study aims to clone and express the AtPIMT1 in a suitable bacterial expression system, so that it may be later characterized functionally.

Keywords: PIMT, AtPIMT1, L-isoaspartyl, protein repair enzyme, stressinduced damage