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A study to assess the prospects of biodiversity conservation through community forestry in Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary, Ladakh

Student name: Ms Vedanshi Bhartia
Guide: Dr Sudipta Chatterjee
Year of completion: 2020
Host Organisation: IORA Ecological Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Saurindra Narayan Goswami

The Changthang cold desert Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS) in Ladakh is a mosaic of desert, alpine and wetland ecosystems, and therefore harbours a unique assemblage of flora and fauna. The biodiversity of the region is facing serious threats due to the rapidly changing socio-economic and political scenario, as a result of which some of the species have come under the endangered and vulnerable category. The main aim of the thesis is to assess the prospects of biodiversity conservation through community forestry in Changthang WLS. The approach used to study these prospects were in depth literature review and telephonic interview with experts in the region. The strategy suggested for implementing community forestry in the region is built on the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of past and present community based interventions for biodiversity conservation in Changthang WLS, gaps identified in the current community forestry scenario in the region, solutions identified for maximizing biodiversity outcomes in community forestry program. The proposed implementation is a partnership based model between the local forest users and conservation community that provides technical advice and facilitates participatory design and implementation of community forestry program to promote biodiversity conservation.

Keywords: community forestry, community forest management, biodiversity conservation, Changthang Valley, Trans Himalaya