Land use and land cover plays an important role in controlling the hydrological behavior of a catchment or basin. So, land use and land cover maps for period 1993-2018 was prepared to know the spatial and temporal changes occurring in Burhanpur. Floods has a great impact on life of people, property and economic losses all over the world. It has been observed that the extreme rainfall leads to rise in flood events and flood zones in India. Thus, it becomes necessary to identify the flood zones in order to reduce the damages and destruction related to flood. This study adopted the hydrodynamic simulation (MIKE HYDRO RIVER) to recognize the flood hotspots in the Upper Tapi sub catchment. It helps in understanding the conditions of basin/catchment. Meteorological data, land use land cover, boundary conditions, river network and cross section elevation was used for setting up of the model. Daily rainfall time series for 2010 was selected for model calibration using autocalibration. The auto-calibration automatically fixes the parameters such as surface, root- zone and groundwater parameters. The observed discharge collected from INDIA-WRIS was calibrated with the IMD rainfall to estimate calculated discharge in Rainfall Runoff simulation. Log Pearson type III distribution was used for calculating the frequency analysis for the different return periods. Frequency analysis of rainfall using Log Pearson type -III distribution showed that there is only 1% chance that 237.89 mm rainfall will occur in a day. Results showed satisfactory agreement between the simulated and observed discharge values. On the basis of output of the model, flood hotspots were generated which showed low levels of flood affected areas compared to the river bank. One rainfall event of a 100-year return period was selected for simulating flood hotspots in Burhanpur.
Keywords: Mike HYDRO, Return Frequency analysis, Rainfall-runoff model, Hydrodynamic simulation, probability density function, Flood hotspots