Tripoto is a community of travelers where people come and post content about their travel experience and this content is consumed by other people. With this, Tripoto has heavy traffic on the website and the company is able to generate high intent leads for the travel agents. Even after providing best quality, verified leads from their end, the agents were constantly complaining about the poor lead quality and were not getting enough conversions. This was leading to huge losses to the agents causing high churn rates for the company. Even after multiple efforts, the company was unable to retain the clients as they were not at all satisfied with the lead quality that was provided by Tripoto. The project focuses on creating retention strategies to satisfy the agents leading to decrease in the churn rates.
For improving the satisfaction levels of the agents, the first attempt was to work on the lead quality and attend to each and every complaint filed by the agent. During the process, it was observed that issue is not the lead quality but conversion rates are being impacted by the poor performance of the travel agents as they are not able to cater to the the leads properly and needs training on the sales process.
With this, the focus from improving internal processes moved to improving external processes for providing high conversion rates to the agents. Performance of five agents was analyzed from January to April to identify the exact issues. To improve their processes, it was very important to track their daily activities on the leads and hence Call Analytic Systems were enabled. Agents were given regular updates on how they should improve their processes. This build their trust on Tripoto, increase satisfaction and reduced churn rates. Agents were also provided with branding and social media promotions as an added benefit.