The case of energy policy modelling in India is strong as it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and with a growing section of citizens moving from the low income group to middle income group & surging population resulting in a rapid rise in vehicle ownership & need for transport. Till recent times the road transport sector was dependent on internal combustion engines dependent on primarily petrol & diesel which was the prime reason of high amounts of CO2 emissions. Through this work it’s intended to do a round up summary of the policy framework for Electric vehicles in India at the central level & state level and develop a road transport energy model to compliment policy making and using it to analyse historic trends & project future scenarios of the energy demand & CO2 emissions. The technological stock model of vehicle energy demand is constructed using fleet structure, activity profile & efficiency. Results show that without any new policy intervention the energy demand from road transport sector rises to 2.7 times by 2030 compared to 2015 levels. In the developed scenario there are marked reductions in oil use in Moderate scenario (15%) and 21% in the Aggressive scenario, 7.7% in Fuel efficiency improvement, 5.8% Electric vehicle & 10% in Alternate fuel blending Scenario. CO2 emissions fall by 12 % in Moderate scenario & 19 % in Aggressive scenario, 7.6% in Fuel efficiency improvement, 5.6% in Electric vehicle & 8.5% in Alternate fuel blending Scenario.
Keywords: Road transport sector, energy demand, CO2 emissions, electric vehicle, Transportation energy modelling