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Energy saving in commercial building through low side optimization of HVAC

Student name: Mr Saksham Goel
Guide: Dr Sapan Thapar
Year of completion: 2019
Host Organisation: Smart Joules Pvt. Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Ananthapadmanabhan

In commercial buildings, a Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system consumes about 60% of it’s energy consumption. The system, operated to give the occupants a desired comfort level, often also runs aimlessly, overworking it’s way, in turn, wasting the energy used by it. This can however be avoided by optimizing the system, for less energy consumption, at the same time, not compromising on the comfort level of the occupant.

Smart Joules’ projects, a combination of energy efficient equipment, innovative embedded systems infrastructure and machine learning algorithms, is a pay-as-you-save model. Its technology guarantees a minimum of 15% energy savings and is currently being used in more than 10 hospitals across India. The focus is on large hospitals since they consume and waste energy 24/7, and their unit electricity costs are very high.

By combining energy analytics with Smart Joule’s Building Energy Management system (BEMS), we arrive at a lot of opportunities to further optimize the HVAC system to obtain further energy savings, using the help of artificial intelligence, which once trained, can modulate the system as per the building heat load. One such optimization process incorporated at Smart Joules is the use of Proportional Integral Derivative logic to modulate the different controllable attributes of an Air Handling Unit to derive savings. Many companies have been developing BEMS control systems and optimizing the HVAC plant, but till date, people have successfully implemented optimization processes only in high side of the system.

This project deals with low side optimization of an HVAC system through a Building Energy Management System, utilizing PID logic and thermostat, and deriving savings from the same, without the loss of occupant comfort level.