Environmental Sustainability incorporates the concept of quality in environment which includes renewable energy harvest, less pollutants in air, limited usage of non-renewable energy sources. Chemical Industry being more energy intensive process has high scope of energy, waste, Emissions and water savings. ENCONs measure are identified at both electrical and thermal utility. My thesis is on improving sustainability in Godrej Chemical Plant site with a study of harmonics in plant electrical utilities and implementation of air-to-air heat exchanger for water conservation and energy savings.
The use of renewable energy technology instead of conventional technology leads to savings in electrical energy. An effort is made to implement the above two solution looking into latest technology across the environmental sustainability value chain. Harmonic study is done looking into the use of non-linear load in industrial automation system.
The cascade cooler in AOS plant has large consumption of water, were the cooler has been substituted by air-to-air heat exchanger. The overall feasibility of air to air heat exchanger in sulphonation plant is studied taking care of inlet/outlet temperature. The outlet air temperature is around 54℃ is achieved which can’t be utilised for process in AOS plant.
The use of ETC based solar water heater help in energy saving of ambernath canteen . The GIL manufacturing location of ambernath has gone for solar photovoltaic plant for 200 kWp.
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy, Environmental sustainability, harmonics, sulphonation .