People make choices every day. It is generally considered that knowledge of a certain choice pulls us or pushes us away from that choice, but many times we see people behave in a way opposite to their attitudes on the subject. This difference is called the value action gap and is the main topic of exploration of this thesis. We consider the value action gap in the context of choice of mode of transport, in the city of New Delhi.
Big metropolitan cities of the world are facing a similar problem of increased congestion on roads. An important problem is the alarming increase in air pollution, 12% of which is attributed to vehicular emissions (ICCT Report, 2019). Hence, I think it is important to study whether the people of Delhi give importance to pollution emissions while choosing their mode of transport.
Literature on transportation choice comes under the subject matter of urban travel mode choice modelling or travel behavior. “To promote shift to energy efficient modes, it is required to bring change in travel behaviour of the people. Thus, studying travel behaviour forms an essential component in urban transport system to bring change in the system for improvement” (Bajracharya and Shrestha, 2017)