Populations can be studied using a variety of available methods, of which the capture-recapture is one of the oldest and most popular theories. The field of capture-recapture techniques is still growing, and this study is an attempt to utilize a recently developed spatially explicit capture-recapture method to estimate leopard population in Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh. Protected areas have been used as a popular conservation tool, in setting aside spaces for wildlife and to ensure their survival by the implementation of various conservation and management programs. One approach is to monitor populations within these last remaining areas, to ensure an informed status about conservation priorities. A preferred method for the same is the usage of non-invasive tools such as camera traps to record wildlife and use the collected data in various topics of research. A camera trap survey was conducted in Pakke Tiger Reserve in the year 2013-14 between December and March, and this study is based on the collected data, using a non-spatial and a spatial method of estimating densities. The density estimates obtained are 0.6 ± 0.24 per 100 sq. km. and 0.626 ± 0.223 per 100 sq. km. via non-spatial method (CAPTURE program) and spatial method (SPACECAP program) respectively. The study attempts to contribute to the scope of population studies on threatened species in India, which could potentially serve as a focal standpoint for conservation planning.
Keywords: Populations, capture-recapture, protected areas, camera traps, conservation, spatial, density, threatened.