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Landscape modeling of the Sunder bans ecosystem of West Bengal and Bangladesh

Student name: Ms Odyssey Saikia
Guide: Dr Sudipta Chatterjee
Year of completion: 2019
Host Organisation: WWF, IGCMC
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Areendran

My study basically focuses on the Sunderbans of West Bengal and Bangladesh .This halophytic plant species are on the verge of extinctions as there quality is detoriating due to the anthropogenic and natural factors which is affecting a lot of the sundari and gewa species present in West Bengal and Bangladesh hence studying these species in conserving them is of uttermost important. Using GIS modeling and remote sensing technique it studies the temporal changes in the sunder bans ecosystem. For the temporal changes i have used LULC unsupervised classification was carried out.Using Forest fragmentation is a critical element of the quantity and distribution of ecological system. Many wooded area species are tailored to either edge of the forest coverl. Changes inside the degree or patter of fragmentation can have an effect on habitat fine for the majority mammals, reptile, hen, and amphibian species observed in woodland habitat. As wooded area fragmentation will increase beyond fragmentation caused by herbal disturbance, side effect end up extra dominant indoors-adapted species are much more likely to vanish, side and open area species are probably to growth.Forest canopy model it makes use of few parameters to test the fitness popularity of the mangrove ecosystem by the use of the one-of-a-kind indices like bare soil index,Bare soil index,Shadow index.Those indices are used to integrate and produce Vegetation density and scaled shadow index. Forest peak model is also used inside the observe. . The examine would helped me to evaluate the sunderbans health of the sunderbans ecosystem.I have also used weighted overlay technique to do a suitability techniques where i have taken few indices and finally integrated it to check the suitability of an area.