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Nation building and its environmental considerations

Student name: Ms Devyani Chhikara
Guide: Dr Vishnu Konoorayar
Year of completion: 2018

Abstract: India is a young nation which is still developing and forming itself. In the post-independence era, it was looking to build itself into a robust entity. Due to the impact of colonization, India had been left with little in the name of infrastructure or proper machinery to regulate and strengthen its economy. Hence, in order to build these sectors up, the nation more or less ignored its environment. In the present times, the environmental concerns are of utmost importance, given that global problems, such as climate change, are beginning to show their effects. The present research aims to bring together the past and the present in context to the effects of climate change, and how, in time, environmental considerations may become a major concern in nation building instead of a minor point in reflection. The objective of this research was to intimately understand and relate the changes in India’s policy with respect to environment in its course to build itself, with special examination into the recent developments in this arena. The study of this evolution of India, starting from when India gained independence, carrying through to the contemporary time, also looks towards the future, especially with respect to climate change and its looming impact.

Keywords: Nation Building, Infrastructure, Environment, Climate Change, Developing Country, Development, Economic Growth, Environmental Laws, Laws.