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Designing a monitoring system for agricultural biodiversity in the selected village of the LLS (Livelihood and Landscape Strategies) project and assess the available options for improvement in the biodiversity and livelihood in the Yamuna Nagar District

Student name: Ms Neha Bisht
Guide: Dr Joachim Schmerbeck
Year of completion: 2010
Host Organisation: IUCN-India
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr J.S. Rawat
Abstract: The study involved assessing the agroforestry systems in the area, plant diversity and the ways diversity can be enhanced. Biodiversity monitoring is an essential step towards implementing plans for conservation and protection. This study was conducted under the LLS project (IUCN) in the pilot area of the Haryana landscape to monitor the agricultural biodiversity in the Thaska village. It was conducted using the line transect method of sampling. The different elements in the landscape falling in line with transect were sampled. The agroforestry systems showed high variety in the number of species used but the area was dominated by Eucalyptus based systems that could be found as pure plantations, mixed plantations and also grown along with crops as boundary plantations. The reason for this was identified to be the income generation by these plantations and the high number of programmes being run to advocate the plantation of Eucalyptus sp. Shannon Wiener Index was used to measure species richness for each transects and life form. The highest diversity was shown by the Transect 1 with a value of 1.21 and the life form with maximum diversity was herbs with a value of 2.78. General measures to increase the plant diversity have been given and the ones that are applicable in the area based on the resources and socio-economic condition of the farmers have been highlighted. The proposed monitoring system has generated the baseline data and will be used to assess the diversity for the entire landscape and will be done on a continued basis to check for the changes occurring in the landscape due to the interventions in future by different agencies under different programs.

Key words: Agricultural Biodiversity, Landscape, Monitoring, Shannon-Weiner Index, Biodiversity Enhancement