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Impact of urbanization on the household carbon footprint in India

Student name: Ms Sameeksha Jain
Guide: Dr Seema Sangita
Year of completion: 2018
Host Organisation: TERI School of Advanced Studies

Abstract: This study is a foray into the environmental impact of urbanization. The impact has been considered in terms of carbon emissions from household consumption. Urbanization is credited with greater material and energy use. There is a discrepancy in the rural and urban energy requirements due to the latter having greater access to transportation, communication, electricity and thicker commodity markets. The household carbon footprints calculated in this work, used the carbon coefficients that were based on the Environmental Input-Ouput Anlaysis. The objective of this study was to separate the impact of urbanization on the household carbon footprint, from its other determinants, such as income. It was found that urbanization has a significant positive impact on the footprints. Apart from the increase in urbanization, the level of urbanization also impacts the emissions, so much so that higher levels of urbanization lead to greater emissions. Apart from the micro perspective of the household, the district level carbon footprint is also analysed. It is further seen that the urban transition of districts from 2001 and 2011 was also instrumental in driving an increase in the carbon footprints of these districts form 2001 to 2011. It is established through through this analysis that the urban living in India is not energy-efficient in comparison to life in rural areas.

Keywords : Carbon Footprint, Urbanization, input-output analysis, consumption expenditure approach