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Measuring non-energy benefits from energy efficiency

Student name: Mr Arihant Jain
Guide: Dr Gopal K Sarangi
Year of completion: 2018
Host Organisation: TERI School of Advanced Studies

Abstract: With growing demand for energy, it becomes pertinent to reduce energy consumption. One of the ways is the adoption of energy efficient technologies. While there is growing awareness about the issue, at the industrial scale, profit maximization still remains the guiding principle for investment decision. Therefore, to promote energy efficiency, it is important to integrate business principles with energy efficiency. Towards this, inclusion of Non-Energy Benefits, which has been largely ignored, is recommended. These benefits being indirect in nature are not accounted for while taking investment decisions. Literature on the topic indicates presence of significant benefits accrued to NEBs.

The study aims to estimate NEBs for select small scale industrial units and analyse how NEBs can affect investment decision parameters. Towards this, primary survey has been undertaken and using verbal and relative scale methodology, NEBs were estimated. The finding indicates significant benefits accrued to NEBs. Inclusion of all benefits can provide impetus to adoption of energy efficient technologies.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, Non-Energy Benefits, Investment