Public participation in environmental governance
Student name: Mr Sujeet Beniwal
Guide: Dr M V Shiju
Year of completion: 2017
Host Organisation: TERI University
Abstract: This study primarily focuses on the importance of public participation in environmental
governance issues and the role of traditional institutions in improving the qualitative aspect of
the participatory process. The first chapter of the dissertation gives a brief understanding of
the importance of public participation in a democracy and various theories of public
participation. It also gives an understanding of the legal regime of public participation in
India as well as the international legal regime .The second chapter gives an understanding of
the PanchayatiRaj structure and the traditional governing structure of Arunachal Pradesh . It
also consist the interviews with the state officials, Gaonburahs and common people recording
there views on the role of traditional institutions in public participation. Finally the
conclusion consist of my views and observation highlighting the importance of formally
including these traditional institutions in participatory process, in order to improve its quality.