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Clean cooking technology: tales from the hearth

Student name: Ms Tashi Bourai
Guide: Dr Gopal K Sarangi
Year of completion: 2017
Host Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Preeti Jain Das
Abstract: A household survey to understand the choice of clean cooking fuel as a cultural construct was carried out in Noorpur village located in the Gurgaon district, Haryana. The sampled households taken for the survey conducted covered a heterogeneous population belonging to different income groups, educational background, caste, household size, origin and land holding.

The prevalence and availability of traditional energy sources- firewood, crop residue and cow dung cake were found in the village where these three fuels were mainly used for cooking food on the traditional chulha. There is also an inexhaurible shift towards LPG within these households, but the transition to cleaner fuels is yet to take place even in the households who are making use of LPG. The reliance on solid fuels even if bare minimum still exists. Factors like income and land holding influence the choice of fuel for cooking in these sampled households whereas caste does not appear as a determining factor for the choice of fuel.

Keywords: Firewood, Crop residue, Cowdung cake, Traditional Chulha, LPG, Cooking Fuel.