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Role of GIS in rural development: strengthening agriculture insurance

Student name: Ms Sagarika Ghosal
Guide: Dr Chander Kumar Singh
Year of completion: 2017
Host Organisation: ESRI India Technologies Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Brijesh Chorotia
Abstract: Agriculture is the backbone of our country. The people employed in this sector, the farmers, are unfortunately always at the mercy of nature. While they may have had good years, the bad ones hit them too hard. This leads to a rise in cases of farmer suicides and also that of migration to urban areas in search of a better livelihood. The productive labour force in the villages is lost due to weather related risks. Agricultural insurance is perfect for such a scenario where the farmer cannot afford high premiums but cannot do without insurance either. However, misuse and fraud has also made way into this. Some farmers take advantage of the fact that the very foundation of their insurance is ambiguity. They are able to fool the insurance companies in number of ways leading to large financial losses to the agencies. This research tries to study the ways in which GIS software and Web GIS can address the very issue of over insurance in agriculture sector. A few mobile applications have been employed in order to enhance the verification process of a claim. ArcGIS Online has been used to emphasize on benefits of web GIS. The end result is a more authentic survey conducted to verify a claim, so as to minimize incidence of incorrect calculation and over insurance. Better crop insurance will finally allow farmers to continue residing in villages as they will have a better livelihood because of the reduction in the fear factor.

Key Words: rural development, agriculture, insurance, GIS, mobile application