In vitro neurotoxicity assessment of an excipient on Neuro 2a cell line
Student name: Ms Vartika Channa
Guide: Dr Udit Soni
Year of completion: 2017
Host Organisation: Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Srikanta Kumar Rath
Abstract: Glycol ether excipients (EXP), are used in drug formulations to enhance the steadiness of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and as a solvent in the cosmetic industry. Previous studies have identified kidney as a critical target organ of EXP toxicity at high levels of exposure. The Neuro 2a cell lines are fast growing mouse neuroblastoma cells and have been used extensively to screen novel compounds and study toxicity, Alzheimer’s disorder and associated mechanisms. In the present study, the toxic potential of EXP was assessed on Neuro 2a cell line. The Neuro 2a cells were exposed to varying concentrations (10ng-50μg) of EXP for 24, 48 and 72 hrs. Cell viability was assessed using Sulphorhodamine B assay. Ten microgram of EXP had significant inhibitory effect on the growth of Neuro2a cell. Further Hoechst’s staining was also performed to evaluate whether the cytotoxic potential of EXP was due to apoptotic induction in neuroblastoma cell line. These in vitro results indicate a possible neurotoxic potential of this excipient.