Decline in cycling in Pune
Student name: Ms Deepti Chaudhari
Guide: Mr Shri Prakash
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Pune
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Amar Karan
Abstract: Pune city was once known as city for cycling. But with growing population and urbanization the city lost its identity.With economic growth and development,the private ownership of vehicles increased at large scale.This has made the city polluted compared to the days when it was know as paradise for the pensioners.The city got congested and deteriorating the road safety and environment.The current situation of cycle tracks and the views of cyclists gave a clear picture of, why the cycle tracks are not used.The accountability and safety measures are required to be reviewed for cycle tracks both in existing and future cycle tracks. It should be inclusive with the environmental goals and values. It is felt that for growing city like Pune people should be encouraged to use cycles for at least shorter trip length. There is lack of awareness among people for taking cycling as a mode of transport, at least for a shorter trip length.People at times have a wrong opinion that the roads are meant for vehicles only. NUTP focuses mainly on people rather than vehicles. It encourages use of public transport or NMT. Equal priority should be given for all users. Transit oriented mixed land use can be solution for the growing cities. The National Action Plan on Climate Change under Sustainable Habitats Mission is encouraging sustainable transportation. NUTP emphasizes the need to promote NMT and funding under JnNURM. The Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Pune sets a target of 50% of trips of NMT (walking and cycling by 2030.We need cycle tracks in order to preserve and enhance the share of NMT. The city needs to work on increasing the share of public transport, as well as cycling and walking.