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Impact assessment of agriculture value chain development of spices, and its potential impact on the local communities in Bundelkhand, India

Student name: Ms Anshula Thakwani
Guide: Dr Chubamenla Jamir
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: Society for Development Alternatives, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Mayukh Hajra
Abstract: The semi-arid and poor region of Bundelkhand is characterised by high levels of poverty and low human development indicators. The local economy is agriculture based and more than 70 percent of the population in the region depends on agriculture and allied activities for a livelihood. Industry is almost absent here. Some of the key causes of abject poverty are distress in the farming sector, non–availability of non-farming opportunities, poor skills and capacities, social discrimination against women, etc. This deplorable situation coupled with degrading natural resource base has set in place vicious cycles of poverty and debt for the community.

There is a high potential to create jobs and increase farm incomes through an overall Agriculture value chain development for poverty alleviation in the region. Bundelkhand has high quality spice production and communities are not maximising the benefit of this produce.

The study examines the agriculture-value chain development of spices and its potential impact on the local communities

The key findings of this study show that agriculture value chain development, not only enhanced the incomes of the local population by extracting more potential out of the raw produce, it also increased the diversity of non-farming job opportunities with the establishment of new enterprises and the subsequent creation of new jobs. These initiatives are easy to scale, thus upscaling to bigger regions should provide similar benefits to the regional economy and community. In addition, these enhanced incomes provided the local households with more disposable income to spend on education, healthcare and social welfare, thus improving other aspects of their livelihood. New employment opportunities for the women in the local community has also helped in their economic empowerment, and provided a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.

Keywords: Agriculture value addition, spices, smallholder farmers, enhanced income, sustainable livelihood.