Species distribution modeling for elephant in central east India using GIS tools
Student name: Ms Ashima
Guide: Dr Anu Rani Sharma
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: WWF-India, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr G. Areendran
Abstract: In the present thesis distribution modeling of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) are carried out,
using remote sensing and GIS tools. Suitable habitats for elephants were identified using spatial
modeling approach, for central east region of India (elephant corridors between Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal) by using maximum entropy model (MaxEnt), which is a tool for
ecological niche modeling, or species distribution modeling. Elephants are one of those species
which requires large range of forested patches, and their conservation automatically helps for the
conservation of other species which lives in same habitat. Unfortunately their population has
decreased tremendously from last three decades and they are facing several threats. Human
encroachment has the major role for their habitat destruction. Rise in human population has
increased stress on natural resources, area under agriculture has increased, and areas of natural
land cover has been removed and converted into either agricultural land or into urban projects.
Wildlife corridors have shrunken. Habitat fragmentation and degradation, wildlife migration and
extinction are all consequences of anthropogenic activities. Elephants are one of those species who
have suffered the most due to the habitat degradation and fragmentation.
In the present study relationship between the environmental variables and elephants distribution has
been analyzed. Environmental as well as anthropogenic factors are taken for the study to see their
influence on the dispersal of species. The study concludes that the regions of high elevation and steep
slope are least suitable for elephant distribution and precipitation of driest quarter, precipitation of
warmest month are most contributing factors towards suitable habitat for elephant.
Keywords: SDM, Indian Elephant, MaxEnt model, Occurrence data, Habitat Suitability