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Impact of urbanization on agricultre and livelihood: a case study of Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia

Student name: Ms Selam Melkamu Chanie
Guide: Dr Chubamenla Jamir
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: TERI University

Abstract: This study analyses impact of urbanization on agriculture and livelihood in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia, Bahir Dar city as case study areas. In order to analysis the extent of urban expansion, images from Landsat satellite for Bahir Dar city were analyzed using ERDAS IMAGINE, and ArcGIS segmentation, classification and mapping tools. In the peri-urban areas of the city, to understand the linkages and trade-offs between urban development, agriculture and farmers’ livelihood situation was assessed by interview of respondents. The analysis of the study demonstrates that 13 years.

The spatial change detection from 2002 – 2015 and its impact to the land use land cover situation in peri-urban areas is analyzed by using remote sensing images and household level data. Questioner based surveys were employed for data collection besides the satellite images. The paper is structured as follows: it provide brief background of introduction and objective of the study in chapter 1; chapter 2 provides literature review; chapter 3 introduces the survey methodologies and description of the study area; chapter 4 shows results whereas; chapter 5 is about discussion and conclusion.

Key words: urban expansion, change detection, agriculture, livelihood, Expropriation