Trade in environmentally preferred products: a gravity model analysis
Student name: Ms Baanie Sawhney
Guide: Dr Seema Sangita
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: Centre for WTO Studies, IIFT
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Murali Kallummal
Abstract: There are two broad classes of Environmental Goods (EGs) under discussion in WTO negotiations. Class A EGs, which include manufactured goods and chemicals used directly in the provision of environmental services. Class B EGs, also known as Environmentally Preferred Products (EPPs) which include industrial and consumer goods not primarily used for environmental purposes but whose production, end-use and/or disposal have positive environmental characteristics relative to similar substitute goods. Negotiations in the WTO have been largely focused on Class A of EGs. To achieve a certain balance in the EGs negotiations from a trade perspective, this paper seeks to examine the structure and dynamics of trade flows in environmental goods and seeks to identify EGs of export and sustainable development interest to developing countries. Further, Gravity model analysis using panel data is used to check significance of the role played by tariff and non- tariff barriers in trade of Environmentally Preferred Products of India with the world.