Study of stakeholder-analysis of Geocycle India and implementation of new Geocycle brand positioning by updating branding and communication tools for each of the stakeholders
Student name: Mr Ayush Gupta
Guide: Dr Manipadma Datta
Year of completion: 2015
Host Organisation: Geocycle India
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Ms Anupama Singh
Abstract: Geocycle India was formed as a new organization unit combining the existing AFR units of Ambuja. This process is still ongoing and leads significant internal and external changes. The new organization needs to create its own ‘identity’ under the Geocycle brand. Externally, there is a need to build up awareness and presence in the market. To achieve this, a well-positioned, strong Geocycle brand is required that is applied consistently and managed professionally.
This project aims to develop Geocycle into a strong, well-positioned brand in order to make it an asset that supports the successful development and growth of the waste management business in the Indian market by first studying the stakeholder analysis of the existing AFR departments and then by creating brand and communication tools for each of the stakeholders for Geocycle India.