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Genetic diversity analysis of Ocimum accessions using RAPD markers

Student name: Ms Garima Pal
Guide: Dr Sonika Gupta
Year of completion: 2015
Host Organisation: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Pusa
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Ambika B. Gaikwad
Abstract: Ocimum belongs to the family lamiaceae and consists of about 160 species. Genetic diversity of Ocimum was analysed among forty-five accessions using RAPD markers. In total, 69 primers were screened out of which only 31 primers were further used in the study. 95.6% polymorphism was detected in the samples.433 markers were identified out of which 414 markers were polymorphic and 19 were monomorphic. Maximum numbers of markers were amplified with the primer OPZ-13. The Average heterozygosity detected was 0.20. Resolving power ranged from 1.46-7.02 with OPZ-19 having highest resolving power. A UPGMA based dendrogram was constructed with the Jaccard’s similarity coefficient which ranges from 0.1 to 1 with highest similarity between the accessions 5 and 3, 2 and 3. Three major clusters were revealed by UPGMA dendrogram. Cluster 1 consists of the accessions belonging from north western states. Cluster 2 consists of the accessions from western hills and Gangetic plains. Cluster 3 consists of the accessions from the eastern region. All the accessions were differentiated from each other indicating the utility of RAPD markers in molecular characterization of Ocimum Study of genetic diversity along with phenotypic and biochemical chacterization would help in identifying the genotypes which are useful in industries, medicines, food etc. Keywords: Ocimum, Genetic diversity, RAPD markers, UPGMA, Jaccard’s similarity coefficient.