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Study on the gender response of climate change on agriculture, a village level study from the Phulbari Village, Kavrepalanchowk district, Nepal

Student name: Ms Sunita Basnet
Guide: Dr Gmini
Year of completion: 2015
Host Organisation: Women on climate change and natural resource management
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Eisa Khan AyoobAyoobi
Abstract: Nepal is more exposed to the risks of the climate change . The PhulbariVillage, is a rural village in the hilly region of Nepal, where every households are involved in agriculture. Agriculture is the prime occupation and perhaps the way of life. The village is characterized by the marginal farmers vulnerable to the climate impacts. Agriculture in is totally rain fed and more subsistence based. Almost all the farmers are categorized as small farmers based on the hand holding size The changing climate have negative impacts on the agriculture of the village causing effect on the livelihood of the people. There is gender differential impacts of climate change on agriculture. It is assumed that women are more affected due to their attributed social norms and roles, and lack of access to and control over the resources. There is significant changes in the agricultural activities, production system and the labor inputs in the village. With the declining productivity, farmers are finding other options to deal with the changes. Labormigration among men have increased substantially leaving the burdens of agriculture solely on the women. In other ways, men and women are both participating in the trainings, facilitation programs to combat with the challenges of the climate change. As it is difficult to get the sudden benefits with investment in agriculture, farmers are finding alternatives where they could receive immediate benefits. The gender response in agriculture is given importance as both men and women have different aspects of knowledge, ideas , power and resources to deal with the changes. Key Words: Climate Change, Agriculture, Vulnerable,Gender, Alternatives