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Prudence check of capital expenditure incurred by KPTCL (Part A), energy audit of a sugar industry with co-generation and distellary (Part B) and comparison of energy savings and payback period of different IEC standard efficiency class motors (Part C)

Student name: Mr Vijay Mohan R
Guide: Prof R L Sawhney
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute, Southern Regional Centre, Bangalore
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr G R Narasimha Rao
Abstract: This study is a part of three projects carried out at TERI-SRC, Bangalore. The first project was undertaken for Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) to perform a Prudence Check of the capital expenditure incurred by Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL). A sample of all KPTCL project works (categorizing cost above and below Rs. 5 crores) taken up during the FY10-12 for improving the quality and reliability of power supply were studied and graded according to the KERC guidelines. KPTCL executed a total of 260 project works during the three financial years which consists of setting up new sub-stations with associated line, new transmission lines and augmentation of transformers in some existing sub-stations. To carry out Prudence Check, samples of project works consisting of 81 project works (above Rs. 5 crores) and 113 of 179 project works (below Rs. 5 crores) were selected as per the KERC guidelines. The main aim of this study was to verify if the objectives achieved by the implemented project works justify the amount invested. Any expenditure not fully justified by the objectives would mean that the customers are burdened with cost of redundant investments in the form of tariff hike. Of the 194 project works (81 above Rs. 5crores and 113 below Rs.5crores) considered, 189 project works were found to be satisfying prudent norms and 5 project works were not satisfying the prudent norms. Based on the finding in the study, some suggestions were given to KERC.

The second part was a comprehensive energy audit of Sugar industry with co-generation and Distellary, located in Karnataka. The project consisted of taking electrical and thermal measurements of different processes as well as utility equipment to find out the energy consumption and evaluate their performance useful towards identifying potential energy savings. After taking the readings, the data was analyzed and applicable energy efficient measures were suggested.

The third part was a comparison study of energy savings and payback periods of different IEC standard efficiency class motors with respect to ordinary motors of same rating.

Keywords: KERC, KPTCL, Prudence Check, Energy Efficiency, Energy saving proposal, Energy efficient motors, International efficiency