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Corporate social responsibility project on village electrification by renewable energy

Student name: Mr Upendra Gupta
Guide: Dr Arun Kansal
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: IICA (Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs) Manesar, Gurgoan
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Ashok B. Chakarborty
Abstract: The rural electrification with the help of Renewable Energy development aims at social development, economic growth, human development and infrastructure by providing electricity access in rural area, where most of India poor population lives. Renewable Energy plays an important role in sustainable development which fulfills Corporate Social Responsibility. As on 31st August 2013, a total of 32,227 village of India are Unelectrified (USO_status of rural electrification). To provide electricity to un-electrified village by installing solar photovoltaic, wind turbine and combination of both as per their potential at a given location. There are several component of project but main aim is to access electricity and examine the technical potential of various renewable resources and subsequently develop a model describing the extent to which renewable energy can be adopted, its associated cost and energy requirement. On the other hand, there are several challenges such as variable and unpredictable primary energy flow thereby requiring hybridization of different renewable source. Major outcome of project is to provide renewable energy based electricity to villages where grid electricity will not be able to reach in near future due to technical and economic reasons.