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Model for techno-economic assessment of grid connected solar PV

Student name: Ms Sai Mounika CH
Guide: Dr B Prasad
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Bangalore
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr N C Thirumalai
Abstract: A model was developed for the techno-economic assessment of utility scale grid connected solar PV considering Indian conditions. The model incorporated the effect of various key parameters such as temperature, wind speed, derating factor and solar radiation to estimate the hourly electrical energy of any PV based plant. This model also addresses the challenges specific to blocking and shading for the fixed and horizontal North-South axis positioned PV systems.

The model has also taken into account all the individual cost components of the PV system to estimate the plant economics such as LCOE (Levelized cost of energy), Internal Rate of Returns, Payback period, net revenues etc. This model can be used by any stakeholders such as project developers, investors, researchers, policy makers to carry out a preliminary study of the grid connected PV based systems.