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Potential benefits from selected super-efficient appliances to India: a techno-economic study

Student name: Mr Nihar
Guide: Mr Amit Kumar
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Ms Natasha Bhan
Abstract: India is a developing country. Energy is the key resource for any development. India increases its total electricity generation capacity from 1362 MW in 1947 to 223 GW on March, 2013. The Government has a target to install 198 GW of new capacity before the end of 13th plan. But on the other side there is a gap in between energy demand and supply so power cuts in the domestic and commercial sector is a common way to reduce the energy demand. As country fossil fuel resources are depleting, its dependent on imports of fuel is increasing per year. To mitigate country climate change and energy security related issue India came out with the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008.

Besides other energy consuming sector, domestic sector is one of the sector that consumes around 20 to 25% of country's total energy consumption. The major energy consuming devices in the domestic sector are Air conditioners, Refrigerators, Lightings, Televisions and Fans etc. Under NAPCC, the government came up with a mission called Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency related to energy efficient appliances. These appliances use best technology available in the market so called as super-efficient appliance. And as per the BEE norms super-efficient appliance should be 30 to 50% more efficient than most efficient appliance available in the current Indian market.

In this project we estimated the potential benefits of selected super-efficient appliances in the country. The large scale deployment of these selected super-efficient appliances in the next 10 years will reduce installation of the new coal based capacity, reduce GHG emission besides avoiding peak energy demand. But to improve appliance energy efficiency by 30 to 50% over most efficient appliance available in market will require new technologies and manufacturing facilities. So the cost of super-efficient appliances will become higher than the average available appliances cost, some amount of the incentive will be required to bring the cost of super-efficient appliances equal to these average appliance costs. For this reason we calculate the total amount of funding require per year to manufacture super-efficient appliances in India. Different energy efficiency project financing mechanisms are also studied in this project and amount of funding available by these mechanisms is estimated. The economic analysis of these super-efficient appliances from the government and consumer points of view is also carried out in this study.

Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Super-efficient Appliance, Green House Gas Emission, Bureau of Energy Efficiency.