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Estimation of techno-economic potential of concentrated solar power in India

Student name: Mr Abhishek Gaur
Guide: Prof R L Sawhney
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: Lahmeyer International India, Gurgaon
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Ishan Purohit
Abstract: India’s total installed capacity is 245 GW (CEA, 2014) of which some 29% is contributed by Renewables and Hydropower generation. India is facing severe power crunch with average peak power deficit of 10% in the past decade . Availability of electricity to every last village in the country is very much needed to ensure economic development. Also with growing concerns to ensure energy security in a sustainable manner and reduce dependency on fuel imports, Government of India has launched Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) in 2010 with ambitious target of installing 20 GW of Solar generation by 2022. But so far because of absence of ground level study, Concentrated Solar Plants installations has not seen boom. The primary reason for this is the absence of long term ground measured Direct Normal Iradiance (DNI) data for the country and absence of any bankable and high resolution study on estimating CSP potential for the country. Alongwith, lack of experience, financing of project, absence of supply chain, monopoly of International manufacturers, absence of special provisions for Thermal Energy Storage (TES) in policy document etc. are hindering the interest of project developers.

This study estimated district wise CSP potential of India to give policy makers, developers, lenders and all stake holders to get preliminary idea of techno-economics of developing plant in identified location. The approach involved is identifying and optimizing the land suitable for CSP projects, detailed DNI assessment by optimizing the database from multiple sources comprising satellite and interpolated/ derived databases, CSP technology evaluation and Energy Yield Assessment followed by the techno-economic analysis. For this study, India was divided into four DNI zones, and theoretical, technical, and techno- economic potential for the country has been estimated at district level. The study was implemented on 593 districts of India. The results obtained can be used as preliminary indicator for identifying niche areas for utilization of solar energy for concentrating solar power generation in India.