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Climate change adaptation and gender: a case study in Mali village of Dolakha district, Nepal

Student name: Ms Aastha Poudel
Guide: Dr Mala Narang Reddy
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: Women in Environment (WE), Nepal
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Aditya Bastola
Abstract: The negative impact of climate change is increasingly affecting the livelihood of many people around the world. Adaptation to climate change therefore, becomes important for reducing climate change associated risks and vulnerabilities. This study explores the adaptation responses of mountainous community and mountainous women of ward number 6 village of Mali VDC (Village Development Committee) of Dolakha district in Nepal. Qualitative methods like semi-structured interviews, Key Informant Interview, Direct Field Observation and Transect walk were choosen for the study. A single case study of the village is developed illustrating the adaptation responses of community in agriculture, food security and water. Improved farming practices, integrated crop livestock farming, agricultural diversification through higher value crops and livestock, sustainable management of community forest, protecting soil against erosion and landslides, and using Traditional Knowledge Systems(TKS) to cope with pests and weeds are some of the adaptation strategies in agriculture. Women in the village are more vulnerable to the climate change impacts, nevertheless they are pioneers in sustaining agriculture, food security and water resources. Beer breewing, bee keeping are some income generating activites undertaken by women to improve income for enhancing food security for the family. Male migration from the village to cope with food insecurity has led feminization in agriculture. Likewise, confederacy and trust among the households in the village has enhanced adaptive captacity to drinking water insecurity. This study concludes that- though adaptation strategies are in practice in the village, they are not sufficient in the face of climate change. Mainstreaming climate change adaptation policy in every development agenda is the essence with its real implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Gender mainstreaming further in these policies is crucial to make them success

Keywords: Climate Change, Adaptation, Agriculture, Food Security, Water Resources