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Carbon footprinting of Bhalswa dumpsite

Student name: Ms Ishita Bose
Guide: Ms Nimish Jha
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Amit Jain
Abstract: Rapid urbanization has posed a challenge to the urban local bodies towards its management. Open dumping of solid waste generation, releases green house gases into the atmosphere. Methane being the most potent and with maximum concentration amongst the other greenhouse gases is a gas of maximum concern. The gases besides being conducive to the global warming also have the potential to affect the health of the surrounding residential areas. In this context, a study was undertaken at the Bhalswa dumpsite to emphasise on the carbon footprinting of the site. This report also puts emphasis on analyzing the economic feasibility of a methane at Bhalswa. The analysis was done taking into account the environmental externalities and process externalities to comprehend its adaptability in a country like India. As far as the management of burgeoning quantity of waste is concerned, the activity often negates the process of recycling and hence the role of informal sector. This therefore, leads to the huge expenditure made by the NDMC to manage the quantity of waste formally. To emphasize on the importance of recycling by the informal sector, the report has documented pricing of the recyclable materials. The analysis following documenting the results shows that the rag pickers are the most exploited section of the informal sector. As far as livelihood generation is concerned, the waste dealers were observed to be contented with the profession. Furthermore, the role was emphasized with the help of a revenue generation model which the informal sector is potential in generating. Besides, this report also emphasizes on calculating the carbon footprint of the on road vehicles, off road vehicles, electricity consumption in Bhalswa and LFG( landfill gas) at the Bhalswa landfill site.

Keywords: Health, landfill gas recovery system, environmental and process externalities, Informal sector, carbon foot printing.