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Flood and forecasting of reservoirs of hilly catchment using mike by DHI

Student name: Mr Arijit Ganguly
Guide: Ms Ranjana Ray Chaudhuri
Year of completion: 2014
Host Organisation: DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Vijay Kumar
Abstract: This study has been carried out in river Beas catchment till Pong reservoir, Himachal Pradesh, for modelling of hydrological as well as hydraulic channel flow of the river and the tributaries. The study is focused about the flood modelli ng and reservoir forecasting from the river and tributaries using Hydr odynamic and rainfall-runoff relationship coupling model and data assimilation technique. In this study the key objective is runoff generations in the catchment and sub-catchments from rainfall and catchment characteristics and contribution to the reservoir inflow, open channel flow to the reservoir for flood modelling and inflow forecasting to the reservoir from main rivers and tributaries of a hilly catchment using MIKE by DHI tool.

Data has been collected from NDC, IMD, Pune and BBMB, Chandigarh for the study. The SRTM 90 m resolution DEM data has downloaded and used for network generation, catchment delineation and cross-section generation. The NAM model is used for the study to modelling of the rainfall and runoff relationship of the catchment.

Model has analysed about the runoff contribution to the reservoir and correlate with the inflow coming to the reservoir. The model has calibrated and validate for the both parts of the study based on the meteorological, hydrological and catchment parameters based on the physical characteristics. The model also shows how sensitive the rainfall and runoff relationship is to the observed data. The water level is forecasted for the reservoir from the catchment.

The study is carried out based on the available historic al and realtime databases. MIKE 11 simulates the model of the catchment hydrodynamic and rainfall runoff for the coupling and data assimilation technique for the forecasting purpose. This model is also can carried out for the other different studies for th e catchment by making the user defined scenarios.

Keywords: SRTM, hydrodynamic model, data assimilation, forecasting, MIKE 11, rainfall runoff relationship, catchment parameters, network, cross-section.