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Integrating sustainability practices in HPCL using information technology

Student name: Mr Keshav Singhal
Guide: Mr M V Shiju
Year of completion: 2013
Host Organisation: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Mumbai
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr A R Datla and Mr Himanshu Sharma
Abstract: Today organizations are susceptible to many challenges and risks. Sustainability, environment and climate changes are one of such challenges. Thus many organizations are implementing sustainability program. However for successful implementation and efficacy of the program, good control is quite essential. To control the programs, monitoring is required and to monitor a program, measurement is very necessary. With the fact that organizations operate from multiple locations, measuring and monitoring becomes a challenge. Also, when any sustainability program is being implemented at one location, there is a need to share the knowledge. By sharing the knowledge, the model could be replicated at other locations, which will save the efforts and thus cost too.

This study underlines the importance of integration of sustainability knowledge in the organization (including - the analysis of CSR and Sustainability guidelines by Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India) and issues associated in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation. There are many software available in the market to gather sustainability data from multiple locations. A Comparative analysis of such software is done in this project. The project also covers requirement analysis of a sustainability knowledge management system for the studied corporation. The solution which will cater to the requirements of the organization could be either bought or built in-house. The report discusses the various parameters by assigning weight to decide between buy and built decision.

The study also discusses about the functional design and implementation details in phase wise manner with different features expected. The concept of Interesting and Interactive reporting is also introduced in this study for effective stakeholder communication.

Key Words: Sustainability Knowledge, Knowledge Management System, Sustainability Reporting software, Interactive Reporting.