Development of a theoretical nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) plan for reducing green house gas emissions in India
Student name: Ms Pallavee Khanna
Guide: Dr Suresh Jain
Year of completion: 2013
Host Organisation: Emergent Ventures India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Ankan Datta
Abstract: India being a developing country and a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), lays great significance to the issues of climate change. The Convention
aspires at ballasting the GHG emission concentrations in the atmosphere at levels that would be safe
enough to avert alarming anthropogenic interferences with the climate system. In the recent years,
remarkable economic growth in developing countries has caused an accelerated escalation in green
house gas emissions in various sectors. To meet the goal of abating green house gas emissions, it
becomes imperative for developing countries to take appropriate mitigation actions in regard to
climate change while not affecting their pursuit to provide their populations with a better living
standard by providing co-benefits. Against this backdrop NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
Actions) have emerged. The purpose of this study is primarily to identify potential NAMA concepts or
areas in which NAMAs could be fabricated specifically in Indian context for Indian sectors on need
based assessment for GHG emission reduction. A screening exercise is carried out to identify NAMA
concepts for sectors namely Transport, Waste, Buildings and Energy in India. An exhaustive in-depth
literature review has been carried out to study a multiple government planning documents and
national communication to identify NAMA concepts which are validated by seeking experts’ opinions
by conducting a survey and carrying out SWOT analysis for the NAMA options developed for India.
Various NAMA options are identified through this study for which support could be seeked in later
stages if there is intent to extend them to next level.
Keywords: GHG emissions, NAMA, Co-benefits, Need-based assessment, SWOT Analysis