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Water and waste management plan for a smart township

Student name: Ms Aparna Choudhary
Guide: Dr Suneel Pandey
Year of completion: 2015
Host Organisation: ETI Dynamics
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Vishal Eshwar Ramprasad
Abstract: The study focuses on developing a water and waste management plan for an upcoming smart township in Neemrana. New Moti Bagh Colony, ITC Maurya,WAPCOS corporate office in New Delhi have been studied in depth to arrive at the answers for research questions. Interview was conducted to know the opinion of people in above stated places and also other important organisations. Numerous secondary sources have been studied. Various aspects of planning are studied like whether there is a need for centralised or decentralized system, separate or combined system for sewage and sullage treatment, rain water harvesting potential and ways of rain water harvesting. It is found that Decentralised system can be adopted after which decentralised wastewater treatment technologies are analysed based: operating principles, merits, demerits, area, capital cost, operation and maintenance cost. For solid waste management, technologies are analysed in same way.It is found that MBBR could be preferred option. Other options could be SBR, UASB+EA and ASP in decreasing order of preference. It is found that composting or biomethanation could be considered for solid waste mangement. Pelletisation plant and plastic to fuel equipment cannot be considered. EM solution can be used for waste handling. Mixed composting of organic solid waste and sludge from sewage treatment plant can be done. Recyclables can be sold to recycling units.In order to make the system financially sustainable, the component of user charges is considered. Water pricing, charging for solid waste management is studied. It is found that increasing block rate should be used for water charges. Based up on the quantity of solid waste generated, users should be charged for solid waste management.

Key words: smart township, technologies, zero discharge, recycle, reuse.