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It’s necessary to keep our surroundings clean. The Eco Club Team along with the faculty members initiated the cleanliness drive for areas around TERI SAS. The area was cleaned by picking up the trash lying around the area outside the Campus and it was collected in garbage bags. Proper gloves were distributed to the participants of the cleanliness drive to ensure proper safety and hygiene while picking up the garbage. The motive of cleanliness drive was to spread awareness about keeping our environment clean and use proper dustbins to throw trash. Nearby, there is a small shop where people come to buy tea, snacks, cigarettes, etc. During the cleanliness drive, a bag full of used cigarette buds was collected. It was shocking to see that people don’t even consider throwing buds after smoking into the bin! Many animals roam around freely near the campus and it is dangerous if they swallow, say a piece of plastic. Through Cleanliness Drive, we tried to create an impact in the community.


It’s important to recycle, reuse, and reprocess the items which are no more needed (or as we think so). Collection Drive was an initiative by the Eco Club to collect the items which are no longer needed by us such as books, clothes, stationery items, etc. The idea was to collect different articles and donate them to an NGO, but due to lockdown the process couldn’t go as planned. We managed to collect a printer set, some books, and few clothes. In future, when the college will reopen, the collected items will be donated as planned. The main aim of collection drive was to make the people realize about values such as humility and that an unused piece of cloth which you may find unfit for yourselves can be useful for someone else!


Half Knowledge is Dangerous! We’ve all heard this idiom often. The Group Discussion Sessions are conducted occasionally to keep up with the latest happenings around the world. The comprehensive debates and discussions prepare the students for future endeavours and enhance their critical thinking skills. In 2019-2020, debates on topics such as “How to Make TERI SAS Clean and Green” and “Switching to E-Vehicles – Sustainable or Not” were held and students in large numbers participated in the group discussion sessions. We know that not all are aware of the topics and hence the participants were provided 10 minutes wherein they could use their devices to get themselves informed on the topic. The group discussion sessions are well concluded at the end along with key takeaways. The main aim of conducting group discussion sessions is to make the students used to such sessions, since most companies during placements have GD rounds and regularly attending to such sessions would make students confident and develop their personalities.


Half Knowledge is Dangerous! We’ve all heard this idiom often. The Group Discussion Sessions are conducted occasionally to keep up with the latest happenings around the world. The comprehensive debates and discussions prepare the students for future endeavours and enhance their critical thinking skills. In 2019-2020, debates on topics such as “How to Make TERI SAS Clean and Green” and “Switching to E-Vehicles – Sustainable or Not” were held and students in large numbers participated in the group discussion sessions. We know that not all are aware of the topics and hence the participants were provided 10 minutes wherein they could use their devices to get themselves informed on the topic. The group discussion sessions are well concluded at the end along with key takeaways. The main aim of conducting group discussion sessions is to make the students used to such sessions, since most companies during placements have GD rounds and regularly attending to such sessions would make students confident and develop their personalities.


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