An exchange with the Lead Authors
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | Time: 1330 - 1630 IST / 10.00 – 1300 CEST | Venue: Online
Workshop facilitators: Chubamenla Jamir, TERI SAS, Rupa Mukerji, Helvetas
IPCC Authors who will be the speakers and panellists:
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Aditi Mukherji International Water Management Institute |
Dr Aditi Mukherji is a Principal Researcher at the International Water Management Institute. Aditi was a Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of the Water Chapter in the Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a member, Core Writing Team of the IPCC’s AR6 Synthesis Report. Her areas of specialization are groundwater governance, energy-irrigation nexus, climate change adaptation and community management of water resources. She has worked in South Asia including the Hindu Kush Himalayan region, Nile basin and in Central Asia. She has published over 60 peer reviewed research papers and three edited books. In 2012, she was awarded the Inaugural Norman Borlaug Field Award, endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation and given by the World Food Prize Foundation, USA. Aditi is a human geographer by training and has a PhD from Cambridge University. |
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Anjal Prakash Indian School of Business |
Dr. Anjal Prakash is Research Director and Adjunct Associate Professor at Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, India. He has two decades of experience in working on water and climate issues focusing on policy research, advocacy, capacity building, knowledge management, networking and implementation of large-scale and multi-country climate change and development projects in South Asia. His work focuses on urban resilience, gender, and social inclusion issues covering South Asia. Anjal was the coordinating lead author for the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). He has also been a lead author in the chapter on cities, settlements and key infrastructure and cross chapter paper on mountains in the Working Group II of IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. In 2019, he was nominated as a member of the Gender Task Group of IPCC to develop a framework of goals and actions to improve gender balance and address gender-related issues within the IPCC. Anjal has authored and co-edited several books and journals related to water, environment and climate issues. He is on the editorial board of the Environment and Urbanization ASIA published by Sage and the Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences published by Routledge. He is also associate editor of Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, a journal by Elsevier, which publishes original papers covering all aspects of environmental sustainability, and PLOS Climate, another open-access publisher. Anjal obtained an advanced degree in social sciences (1997) from Tata Institute and Social Sciences in Mumbai, India and a PhD (2005) in Social/ Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. |
Aromar Revi Indian Institute for Human Settlements |
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Carolina Adler Mountain Research Initiative, University of Bern |
Carolina Adler is an Environmental Scientist and Geographer with an international career spanning both research and practice in the public and private sectors. She obtained her PhD at Monash University (Australia) in 2010, focusing on climate change adaptation and relevant policy processes for sustainable development in mountain regions, receiving the Harold D Lasswell Prize in 2010 for best thesis. In 2017, she was appointed as the Executive Director of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), a global research coordination network tasked with coordinating scientific research activities and supporting collaborations on global change research in mountains. Alongside her role at MRI, she was appointed as Lead Author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Sixth Assessment (AR6), specifically for Chapter 2 on “High Mountain Areas” and the “Summary for Policy Makers” of the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC, published in 2019), and for Chapter 17 on “Decision-making options for managing risk” of the Working Group II (WGII) contribution to AR6 on Impacts Vulnerability and Adaptation. Additionally, she also co-lead the Cross-Chapter Paper on “Mountains”’ and contributed as Lead Author to the Technical Summary and Summary for Policy Makers for the WGII contribution to AR6, adopted by the IPCC on 28 February 2022. |
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Chandni Singh Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) |
Dr Chandni Singh is a senior researcher and faculty member in the School of Environment and Sustainability at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore. She works on issues of climate change adaptation and drivers of vulnerability, in semi-arid rural areas and coastal cities. She currently leads projects on urban sustainability and green infrastructure, long-term disaster recovery, and climate-resilient development across South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. She is a Lead Author on the IPCC's latest report on Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability and Contributing Author to the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 degrees C. She serves on the editorial boards of WIRES Climate Change, Regional Environmental Change, and Urbanisation. Chandni holds a PhD in Rural Livelihoods from the University of Reading, UK and an MSc in Environmental Science from TERI University, New Delhi. | |
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Christian Huggel University of Zurich |
Christian Huggel, Professor at the Department of Geography, Research Group on Environment and Climate Impacts, Risk and Adaptation (EClim), University of Zurich. He is a Lead Author of the IPCC Working Group II 6th Assessment Report, and has also been a lead author in the IPCC WGII AR5. He served as a member of the Swiss delegation at the COP, and is working on the ground on climate risks and adaptation in South America (Andes), Central Asia, and the Himalaya region. |
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Philippus Wester ICIMOD |
Dr Philippus (Flip) Wester joined the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal, in March 2013 as Chief Scientist Water Resources Management, and was appointed Regional Programme Manager of ICIMOD’s Mountain Knowledge and Action Networks (MKAN) Regional Programme in 2018. From 2018 to early 2022 he served as a Lead Author of Chapter 1 for the IPCC Working Group 2 contribution to Assessment Report 6 and as co-Lead of the Cross-Chapter Paper on Mountains in that report. |
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Pramod K. Singh Institute of Rural Management Anand |
Dr. Pramod K. Singh is a professor at the Institute of Rural Management Anand in India. He is an environmental scientist turned social scientist working in participatory modelling of sociological systems. His current research interests are climate change adaptation and mitigation with special emphasis on equity, justice and development. Professor Singh was part of IPCC Sixth Assessment Cycle of Working Group II where he contributed to a chapter on Climate Resilient Development Pathways. Currently, Professor Singh is a Coordinating Lead Author in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) working on the assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food, health including adaptation and mitigation of climate change. |
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Rupa Mukerji Helvetas |
Rupa Mukerji is Director of the Advisory Services department at Helvetas and is a member of its Management Board. She works as a Senior Advisor on adaptation to climate change. She has long term work experience in India and advisory experiences in several other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Rupa has over 30 years of work experience in development cooperation, in strategic management, all aspects of project cycle management and in advisory and coaching functions. Rupa serves on the Advisory Committees of several professional bodies including ETH4D and the Climate Justice and Resilience Fund. Rupa has had a long association with the IPCC (United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) contributing as a Lead Author to its 5th and 6th Assessment Reports on the topics of Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to climate change. Rupa Mukerji regularly contributes to Swiss and international media and enjoys interacting with students and young researchers interested in international development and climate change issues. Rupa has studied natural sciences (zoology) and management (MBA). |
Suruchi Bhadwal TERI |
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Veruska Muccione University of Zurich |
Dr. Veruska Muccione is a senior scientist at the Department of Geography of the University of Zurich (Switzerland), Research Group on Environment and Climate Impacts, Risks and Adaptation (Eclim). Her research focuses on complex climate risks, adaptation and decision making under uncertainties. She is a lead author of the IPCC Working Group II Sixth Assessment Report, chapter “Europe” and lead author for the cross-chapter paper “Mountains. |
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Manfred Kaufmann Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Manfred Kaufmann graduated in environmental sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and completed his studies with a PhD in soil sciences at the same Institute. He joined the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in 2008 and has successively worked in the Global Programme Food Security on agricultural research for development and the Global Programme Water on integrated water resources management and transboundary water cooperation. Currently, he works for the Global Programme Climate Change and Environment and he is in charge of managing projects on climate change adaptation, most of them with a specific focus on glaciology and water management in mountainous areas. |
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Swapna Panickal Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology |
Dr. Swapna Panickal is a senior Scientist at the Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, (IITM) Pune. She is leading the IITM-Earth System Model (IITM-ESM) development. Her research interest includes climate modelling, long-term climate variability and change and sea level research. Swapna is the lead author of IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC WG1). She is a member of Working Group on Coupled Modeling of WCRP, Safe Landing Climate Working Group on Sea Level Rise of WCRP and Working Group, Mega Science Vision, Govt. of India. Dr. Swapna Panickal is recipient of Certificate of Merit by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, IITM Silver Jubilee award and Dr. Vernekar Award by Indian Meteorological Society. |
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Joyashree Roy Jadavpur University |
Joyashree Roy is currently the inaugural Bangabandhu Chair Professor and the Director of Centre on South and South East Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South at SERD/AIT, Thailand. She is also with the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, India (on lien currently). She is national fellow of the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR). She is the Founding advisor of the two multi year projects: Global Change Programme and Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) Project at Jadavpur University. She was Ford Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow at LBNL, Berkeley, USA. She is the recipient of 2021 Paradigm award of The Breakthrough Institute,USA. She was in IPCC-2007 Nobel Peace Prize winning panel and is continuing as Coordinating Lead Author in Sixth assessment cycle of WGIII, of IPCC. She has been a chapter author of Global Energy Assessment, has been associated with the Stern Review Report and many other global and National, Subnational Reports. She is in the winning team of Prince Sultan Bin Aziz award for water. She has published more than 155 peer reviewed journal articles, authored and edited books. Her research interests are: Economics of Pollution and Climate Change, Modeling energy demand, Economy-wide modeling exercises for deriving policy implications, Water quality demand modeling, Water pricing, Sustainable development, Natural resource accounting, Valuing environmental services, Developmental and environmental issues relevant for informal sectors, Coastal Ecosystem service evaluation, Bangladesh economy and energy policy. Prof. Roy features in the documentary Juice: How Electricity Explains the World which explains among other things how developing countries are trying to bring people out of the dark and to the lights. |
Contact Person for enquiry
Ms. Claudia Greco
Dr Chubamenla Jamir